About Acharya Shri Mahashraman

Acharya Shri Mahashraman is the Eleventh Acharya of the Jain Terapanth Religious Order. His external and internal personality is encompassed with charisma.

Medium height, fair complexion with a broad forehead, an angular sharp nose, compassionate eyes and radiant visage are the special traits of his external personality. His devotees feel immense bliss jurt by getting his graceful blessings.

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Acharya Shri Mahashraman is the Eleventh Acharya of the Terapath Dharma Sangha. His external and internal personality overflows with dignity and attraction. If one were to describe him physically, you would see a man of medium height, fair with a broad forehead, an angular sharp nose and compassionate eyes.

His devotees feel immense bliss just by getting his graceful blessings. Bereft of worldly desires, unattached, unperturbed, humble, and loyal, full of spark, soft-spoken, generous, and open minded - are just some words that can be used to describe his inner self. His personality is integration of illuminating and forgiving, spiritual and leadership, principle and pragmatic collaboration.

His demeanor full of love attracts everyone instantly, even those meeting him for the first time. Such a rare balanced personality is truly possessed by him. His work and actions reflect his ocean of knowledge, intellectual wisdom, atomic perception and far-reaching insight. Despite being an Acharya of a religious order, his views are liberal and secular. He has a firm conviction to promote nonviolence, moral values and principles. He drives satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment only from dilligent work.

Quote Of The Day

Eating for taste is lack of knowledge, eating to live is a necessity and eating to protect control is sacrifice.

- Acharya Shri Mahashraman


Currently Acharya MAHASHRAMAN is heading the organisation and with his immense knowledge, discipline, kindness, respect for the values of TERAPANTH and great leadership, it is bound to grow further and will definitely reach to a new spiritual and social peak.

Terapanth was formed on the principles of Truth, Lord Mahavira's teachings and self discipline.

We believe, TERAPANTH is an ideal organization and hence being followed by many other communities.

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Ramnath Kovind

President, Republic of India

His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahashraman ji is adorning the tradition of Sainthood like a bright star. I am extremely elated to have met him. He is an embodiment of non-violence. Ahimsa Yatra has become a torch to inspire every human to incessantly follow the path of spirituality. I support Ahimsa Yatra wholeheartedly. I pray to the Almighty, that the divine journey of Acharya Mahashraman acheive grand success.

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister, India

Respected Acharya Mahashraman, during his lengthy Ahimsa Yatra is inspiring changes in the lives of the people through his pure, peaceful and demure halo. Acharya Shree is not only an ideal yogi but is also blessed with powerful oratory skills. He is authoring a literary work that is not only improving the life style of people but also is helping in solving problems.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalaam

Former President, The Republic of India

I pay my obeisance to Acharya Mahashraman, who is famous for his affection and compassion towards mankind. His kindness is visible in his inspring sermons and statements. Acharya Mahapragya always experienced oneness with Acharya Mahashraman.

Pranab Mukherjee

Former President, Republic of India

I am glad to know that Acharya Mahashraman, the eleventh supreme head of Terapanth, is undertaking Ahimsa Yatra from New Delhi in November this year. I wish this expedition all the success. May this joumey on foot benefit the masses of our country.

Susheel Koirala

Prime Minister, Nepal

Respected Acharya Mahashraman is coming to Nepal from New Delhi through his Ahimsa Yatra. It is a matter of pride for our country. Ahimsa Yatra will strengthen the spiritual bond between Nepal and India.

Sonia Gandhi

President, Indian National Congress

Acharya Mahashramm ji is preaching about social reforms and moral values. Acharya shree ji respects all religious beliefs and is a supporter of communal harmony. His sermons benefits and inspires our society. His teachings will always inspire and guide us.

Mohan M Bhagwat

Sarsanghchalak, RSS

I have made it a practice to visit Acharya Mahashraman every year. I am of the lucky ones who is mesmerised by his scholarly, austere, illumined and equally straightforward and polite personality.

Maulana Arshad Madni

President, Jameeat Ulema ae Hind

Acharya Mahashraman is travelling across the country spreading the message of love, brotherhood and human values. I support this Ahimsa Yatra undertaken by Acharya Shree from the bottom of my heart.